We are delighted to announce that you can now order any button from Dill’s catalogue online. This brings you exclusive access to their unique and extensive collection, and only available through Habico.
How it works
If you can’t find a button that you want within the selection on our website, you can now access Dill’s full collection. Just click here to visit Dill’s online shop to view the full collection and place your order: https://uk.dill-buttons.com/
Either enter the unique 6-digit button number in the search box and click the magnifying glass icon; or browse designs from the style categories.
Simply click on the image of the button to add to cart or ‘quick shop’ to view the full range of sizes and colours available in that design.
Quantity per tube is shown. If you need 2 tubes you must double the quantity.
You can also build a comparison list.
Terms: Minimum order 12 tubes.
Complete your details in the checkout area. Please note that pricing will show at suggested consumer prices including VAT. This is not the price you will pay. As a retailer or professional designer, you will receive our order confirmation and packing list. We do not sell direct to consumers, but only through retailers.
Carriage paid on orders over £100 (cost price and excl VAT) or if combined with other goods ordered through Habico to the value over £100.
Once complete, Habico will send confirmation of your order with actual buying prices and take payment (subject to status).
All orders will be shipped to you from our warehouse in Leeds, normally in 7-21 days from receipt of payment. We receive deliveries every 2 weeks.
Although your order will be picked and packed by Dill in Germany, Habico will deal with any queries.