
As we are a wholesale business, we only supply trade customers. However, anyone is welcome to browse our products.

If you are a business you can apply to open an account by completing the form below. You will be able to order through our website with online payment at time of ordering and a minimum order value of £100.

Alternatively, you can apply to open a credit account, by including details of two trade references below. With this you can order online, but pay on invoice (payment terms set out in our Ts & Cs). First order to be pro-forma.

Any business is welcome to order via our website, calling our sales office, through a rep, by email, or by fax. We are also open for cash and carry.

You may be required to produce suitable proof of business documentation.

You successfully registered yourself to our site, personal details can be updated via the "my account"

There was a problem with the form submission, please try again.

  1. Invoice Address (If different from goods address):
  2. How long have you been in business?
  3. In order to confirm your business details, please provide us with details of two trade references:
    Trade Reference 1:
  4. Trade Reference 2:
  5. I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions and Privacy and Data Protection Policy:
  6. Your privacy is important to us, so we’ll always keep your details secure and never use them for marketing communications that you haven’t agreed to receive.We’d like to use your details to keep in touch about products and ideas that may interest you.
    Yes, please. I'm happy to hear from you via (tick all that apply):
You must order at least [min-order-qty] of this product.
You must order at least [min-order-qty] of this product.

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